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Bioinformatics analysis of scRNA-Seq data in SciDAP

Table of Contents

  1. Create a new project and attach workflows
  2. Build Cell Ranger reference indices
  3. Quantify gene expression
  4. Aggregate cell by gene data from multiple samples
  5. Cluster and identify gene markers
  6. Explore clustering results

To describe the use case scenario for our workflows we would like to refer to the Cholesterol Pathway Inhibition Induces TGF-beta Signaling to Promote Basal Differentiation in Pancreatic Cancer paper (Gabitova-Cornell et al., 2020).

In the original paper, analysis of scRNA-Seq data was conducted by manual command line and R processing. However, due to potential changes in tool versions, libraries and execution environments simply repeating the sequence of commands used in processing is likely to produce different results for different users. In order to guarantee the reproducibility and portability of our analytic approach, we converted our analysis into reproducible Common Workflow Language (CWL) pipelines and executed them on user-friendly Scientific Data Analysis Platform (SciDAP).

We recommend using specialized data analysis platform as it doesn’t require from a user having powerful computational resources. It also keeps data organized and guarantees workflows reproducibility as each workflow step is run inside a Docker container with the preinstalled and tested version of the required software. SciDAP provides a graphical user interface that allows biologists to analyze data using transparent, reproducible, and portable CWL pipelines without the need for coding. After the analysis is complete, biologists can explore results using interactive visualization tools and produce publication-ready images. Advanced users can adjust CWL pipelines and visualizations to suit their specific analysis needs. Below we will discuss how scRNA-Seq data analysis can be performed in SciDAP, how analysis parameters are chosen and briefly discuss what happens under the hood. Alternatively, the same pipelines can be executed in any other CWL-based execution environments (see CWL official page for a list of available runners), but without the graphical interface described here.

Step 1. Create a new project and attach workflows

In SciDAP, projects keep data organized by the study. Attaching workflows to projects ensures that similar data are processed by compatible pipelines.

Figure 1. Creating a new project for scRNA-Seq data analysis

Setting project title and subtitle helps to distinguish it from the other projects (A). A detailed project description can be added as a Markdown-formatted text (B). Since there are many ways to process the same data, only workflows that have been attached to the project can be used for data analyses to ensure that samples are directly comparable(C). The list of available workflows can be edited after project creation as well

Step 2. Build Cell Ranger reference indices

To build reference genome indices Cell Ranger runs STAR. Genome indices are used to make alignment algorithm fast and efficient. For Cell Ranger both genome sequences (FASTA) and gene annotation (GTF) files should be provided. The gene annotation file is required for splice junction extraction which improves mapping accuracy of scRNA-Seq data. More details about preparing genome references for Cell Ranger can be found in the official 10X Genomics documentation.

Figure 2. Building Cell Ranger reference indices

After the user selects experiment type (A), they are presented with a form that allows to specify experiment/analysis parameters (B). SciDAP automatically creates these input forms based on CWL pipelines. Optional experiment details can be added as a Markdown-formatted text (C).

Step 3. Quantify gene expression

Cell Ranger gene expression quantification starts with read trimming (for Single Cell 3’ Gene Expression) and running STAR for splice-aware read alignment. Only the reads that are uniquely mapped to transcriptome are used for analysis. PCR duplicate reads are removed based on Unique Molecular Identifiers (UMI). Cell Ranger supports automatic sequencing error corrections in UMIs, that allows to save more reads. The unique reads that have valid cell barcodes and UMIs, and that are mapped to exactly one gene are used to create cell by gene matrix. More details about Cell Ranger gene expression quantification algorithm can be found in the official documentation.

If sequence data from the multiple SRR runs belong to the same SRX experiment and should be processed as a single sample, SRR run accession numbers should be provided in a form of comma-separated list. In addition to downloading from NCBI SRA, Attach from URL tab also supports direct URLs to the FASTQ files deposited to other repositories. Alternatively, input FASTQ files can be uploaded from the user’s computer using File Manager tab or downloaded from the FTP server through FTP Connection tab.

The results of each successfully finished gene expression quantification experiment can be explored in a form of web-based report generated by Cell Ranger, and interactively in the UCSC Cell Browser. Additionally, a file compatible with the Loupe Browser can be downloaded from the Files tab. The user is presented with QC measures including the number of reads mapped to intergenic, exonic or intronic regions; the barcode rank plot and others.

Figure 3. Gene expression quantification for KPPC 1 SRR12450154 dataset

Experiment entry form allows user to select workflow type (A), set general parameters (B) and attach data files or provide accession number/URL to the data (C). For data from NCBI short read archive (SRA) SciDAP will automatically download and extract raw sequencing data into a pair of FASTQ files based on the SRR accession number (D). Same SRR number should be provided for both FASTQ R1 and R2 input files (C).

Figure 4. Searching for SRR run accession numbers that belong to the PRJNA657051 BioProject

On NCBI SRA the raw sequencing data is saved in a form of SRA archives that can be accessed by their SRR run accession numbers. Multiple SRR runs can belong to the same SRX/GSM sample which in turn belongs to an SRP/GSE study. The same pages can be found through via GEO search.

Step 4. Aggregate cell by gene data from multiple samples

To proceed to the clustering analysis the results of all five gene expression quantification experiments should be merged into a single feature-barcode matrix. However, since for each scRNA-Seq experiment, cell barcodes were drawn from the same pool of whitelisted barcodes, a simple merging may result in having duplicated barcodes. To avoid this scenario Cell Ranger updates each barcode with an integer suffix pointing to the dataset the cell came from before running aggregation. Optionally, Cell Ranger may run depth normalization algorithm to make all merged datasets have similar number of uniquely mapped to transcriptome reads per cell. This approach may be suboptimal since all data will be downsampled to match the worst sample. Here we aggregate samples without normalization, leaving normalization to Seurat. More details about Cell Ranger aggregation algorithm can be found in the official documentation.

The results of successfully finished gene expression aggregation experiment can be explored in a form of web-based report generated by Cell Ranger, and interactively in the UCSC Cell Browser. Additionally, a file compatible with the Loupe Browser can be downloaded from the Files tab.

Figure 5. Aggregating gene expression from multiple datasets

For Cell Ranger Aggregate workflow (A) setting library depth normalization to None (C) will disable the default behavior of normalizing the average read depth per cell between merged datasets (B). Normalization will be applied when integrating datasets with Seurat.

Step 5. Cluster and identify gene markers

The joint analysis of multiple scRNA-Seq datasets with Seurat starts with evaluation of common single-cell quality control (QC) metrics – genes and UMIs counts, percentage of mitochondrial genes expressed. QC allows to get a general overview of the datasets quality as well as to define filtering thresholds for dead or low-quality cells removal. Filtered merged datasets are then being processed with the integration algorithm. Its main goal is to identify integration anchors – pairs of cells that can “pull together” the same cell type populations from the different datasets. An integration algorithm can also solve batch correction problem by regressing out the unwanted sources of variation. The integrated data then undergo the dimensionality reduction processing that starts from the principal component analysis (PCA). Based on the PCA results the uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) and clustering analysis are run with the principal components of the highest variance. Clustered data are then used for gene markers identification. These genes are differentially expressed between clusters and can be used for cell types assignment. More details about scRNA-Seq integration analysis with Seurat can be found in the official documentation.

Figure 6. Clustering and gene markers identification

For Seurat Cluster workflow (A) the file defining sample groups can be uploaded though the experiment entry form (D,E). In case it is not provided each dataset will be assigned to its own separate group. The default filtering and clustering parameters can be adjusted on the Advanced tab (C).

Table 1. Advanced filtering, clustering and gene markers identification parameters

Parameter Default Adjusted
Include genes detected in at least this many cells 10 10
Include cells where at least this many genes are detected 250 3001
Include cells with the number of genes not bigger than this value 5000 62001
Include cells where at least this many UMIs are detected 500 500
Include cells with the novelty score (the ratio of genes per cell over UMIs per cell) not lower than this value 0.8 0.8
Include cells with the percentage of transcripts mapped to mitochondrial genes not bigger than this value 5 5
Pattern to identify mitochondrial genes ^Mt- ^mt-2
Number of highly variable genes to detect (used for dataset integration and dimensional reduction) 3000 3000
Number of principal components to use in UMAP projection and clustering (from 1 to 50) 10 203
The effective scale of embedded points on UMAP. In combination with the parameter below determines how clustered/clumped the embedded points are. 1 1
Controls how tightly the embedding is allowed compress points together on UMAP. Larger values ensure embedded points are more evenly distributed, while smaller values allow the algorithm to optimise more accurately with regard to local structure. Sensible values are in the range 0.001 to 0.5. 0.3 0.3
Determines the number of neighboring points used in UMAP. Larger values will result in more global structure being preserved at the loss of detailed local structure. In general this parameter should often be in the range 5 to 50. 30 30
Regress cell cycle as a confounding source of variation False False
Regress mitochondrial gene expression as a confounding source of variation False False
Clustering resolution 0.1 0.54
Include only those genes that on average have log fold change difference in expression between every tested pair of clusters not lower than this value 0.25 0.25
Include only those genes that are detected in not lower than this fraction of cells in either of the two tested clusters 0.1 0.1
Statistical test to use for gene markers identification wilcox wilcox
Report only positive gene markers False True5
Comma or space separated list of genes of interest None Clec3b, Il6, Lgals7, Pdgfra, Vim, Tgfb1, Ptprc, Epcam, Cldn4, Krt7, Sox9, Cdh1, Upk3b, Mki676

1 Adjusted to remove outliers based on the genes per cell density distribution violin and ranked cells plots.

2 Mitochondrial genes from mouse genome start with lowercase “mt-“.

3 Adjusted to point to PC20 where the curve on the Elbow plot starts to plateau.

4 Adjusted based on the expected number of cell types.

5 Uses only genes that are overexpressed in a given cluster as putative markers. If False, both overexpressed and silent genes will be reported.

6 Genes of biological interest can be selected for plotting.

Table 2. Comma-separated condition.csv file to define datasets grouping

library_id condition
KPPC 1 SRR12450154 KPPC
KPPC 2 SRR12450155 KPPC
KPPC 3 SRR12450156 KPPC

Step 6. Explore clustering results

Cell Ranger Count Gene Expression pipeline uses advanced cell-calling algorithm that allows to identify high-quality cells from each dataset. It also runs a preliminary clustering analysis that may be sufficient for some cases. However, in addition to that, we recommend exploring commonly used QC metrics for the merged datasets that are produced by Seurat. These will help to evaluate how filtering parameters influence the number of remaining cells, define datasets dimensionality, perform clustering, identify gene markers, and evaluate expression levels of genes of interest to assign cell types to clusters. All of these are accessible on the QC (not filtered), QC (filtered), Dimensionality evaluation, QC (integrated), Clustering, Gene expression, and Putative gene markers tabs of the successfully finished clustering experiment.

Figure 7. QC metrics for not filtered merged datasets

Genes per cell density distribution plot (C) is split into KPPC and KPPCN groups. Zoomed in section of the density plot (D) displays all 5 datasets within the selected boundaries. Cell rank plot (E) displays cells sorted by gene per cell counts within each dataset. The lower and upper limits for genes per cell values are shown as red and green lines correspondingly. On the genes per cell over UMIs per cell correlation plot (F) a vertical red line indicates the minimum threshold for UMIs per cell values. All the cells with the percentage of transcripts mapped to mitochondrial genes below 5% are marked as blue.

Figure 8. QC metrics and dimensional reduction analysis of filtered integrated datasets

Combined effect of multiple filtering parameters can be explored on the genes per cell over UMIs per cell correlation plot (A). Elbow plot (B) helps to define datasets dimensionality, but it is rather subjective measure and should not be used as the main criteria. Final clustering results (C) as well as split by condition clusters (D) are used to evaluate cell populations present in datasets.

Figure 9. Gene expression plots for assigning cell types to clusters

Clusters on a dot plot (A) are grouped together based on the similarities of the expression levels of genes of interest. On the feature plots (B) cells are highlighted correspondingly to the normalized expression levels of each of the genes of interest. Violin plots (C) show gene expression for genes of interest in each cluster.

Figure 10. Clustering results visualized in UCSC Cell Browser (next page)

Depending on the option selected on the Annotation tab, UCSC Cell Browser highlights identified clusters (A), groups datasets by specified condition (B), colors cells based on the expression of genes of interest (C), and generates a barcodes list for a selected group of cells (D).

Figure 11. Gene markers identification and direct download of workflow execution results

In the gene markers table, the values in avg_log2FC column are calculated as a log2 fold change difference between the average gene expression in the current cluster compared to all other clusters combined. The pct.1 and pct.2 columns show the percentage of cells with the specific gene expressed in the current cluster and all other clusters combined. This table can be used to identify gene markers of interest and assign cell types.